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Another director to take advantage of this unregulated period was Mike Freeman, who in set up the hardcore video production company Videx Ltd. Retrieved 22 July No sex shop customer can be under eighteen years old. The aim of Playboy One was to encourage viewers to subscribe to the pay-per-view Playboy TV channel, operating on the same satellite service. It soon went back to its earthy roots and expanded to cover every fetish possible since filming was now so inexpensive. Retrieved 7 September BBC News. The Times. This consisted of a set of photos of a supposed wife or girlfriend of a reader undressing to full nudity. It was scandalous for depicting a woman, the narrator, enjoying and even revelling in sexual acts with no dire moral or physical consequences. Publishers of erotic fiction at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century began to be subject to legal injunctions from the British authorities in order to prohibit their trade in such material. At this time, it became popular to depict nude photographs of women of exotic ethnicities, under the umbrella of science.

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