A pornhub story

A pornhub story

For security purposes, I required Jigsaw to find another home for the interview. Director Suzanne Hillinger. The documentary correctly avoids spending too much time on how the abrupt end to subscription revenue hurt the website, and the wealthy tech bros behind it, but instead focuses on the performers who were making a living by posting their content on Pornhub and selling it directly to consumers with the platform getting a cut. Archived from the original on March 7, And of course enterprising sex performers became the collateral damage as the company introduced a series of overcorrection measures. Follow the rise of the most famous adult entertainment platform and the recent backlash it has received. Quotes Self - Porn Industry Professional : The direct conflation of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation with pornography harms everybody involved. All rights reserved. They could have solved this problem by editing the film differently. Release date March 15, United States. Play trailer This article is more than 1 year old.

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A PORNHUB STORY / coachmartygross.info