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If it did exist, it was as fringe culture. Kilian Valkhof. I probably worked on that body of work for 5 years and learned quite a bit about how to put images and paintings together at that time. I want the paintings to be a depiction of the feeling, not of nature necessarily. Even if you just see a painting for 10 seconds, my goal is for the viewer to receive a whole and complete experience. Matisse created a painting where the content of the painting really was color. Flash was a pretty common way to build website. They're more interesting than the other ones because I know more about how to paint and how to use the materials. That feeling dictates what the image becomes, and it's not really a depiction of exactly what I'm looking at. Thanks to the author, thanks to everyone!!! NW: I think that just comes down to who we are as people and how we like to communicate, because we all have such different styles of communicating and the way we paint, or the way we write, or the way we talk. What brought you to painting?

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