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They determine they're on another planet: a flawlessly terra-formed one, it would appear. CuriosityKilledShawn 10 July But there's little to no braveness in the writing. Antal Nimrod took the opposite way what made predator or aliens so great. The first to land, with a powerful thud, is Royce. The plot also has enough of the opposite mind set where a life form attacks fellow game participants in a panic to make sense of it as a realistic world and not just a simple setup for a death hunt. In some ways I felt that this film was leading up to a sequel that will be bigger and better in every way, but unlike some of the slower episodes of Lost, you go with it because it is the journey that is important as the film is not treading water. Dumped on an alien planet against their will, this group of unsavory characters finds themselves being hunted by a gaggle of bizarre and deadly creatures, the least of which being the titular character s. Overall, it doesn't surpass the original Predator movie in entertainment and quality, but miles ahead of the other Predator and Alien vs. A sequel would be welcome, but with Rodriguez directing and a new face on the writing panel. They see there are three or four moons in the sky, which are either colossal or very near. Predators is a refreshing shot in the arm to a nearly dead franchise, and stands out in the ocean of movie remakes and sequels that Hollywood is churning out.

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