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The hairline is so good. Of course there was the director N, but he was in the hire of D, so possibly N wouldn't be a factor. Downton Abbey star Jessica Brown Findlay, has also shared her regrets at appearing semi-clothed on screen. Close this content. Blonde presented an interesting challenge for its costume designer Jennifer Johnson whose credits also include Kajillionaire and I, Tonya. The 15 Best First Features of The film has been given an NC rating, the highest rating in the Motion Picture Association film rating system, so you know that it will be jaw-dropping! Russia only has one S and has never used it before. Footwear News. JJ: I wanted a sense of naturalism. See photos. Over the years, Emilia Clarke has spoken about the nude scenes she undertook during her role as Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones , explaining that it lead to assumptions she was fine with going naked on screen.

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