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It is also called anal—oral contact and anal—oral sex ; colloquial names include rimming and rim job. Among the more common causes are:. Venice and I have been tested for everything: hep, hiv, genital herpes, and more, and both have and have always had a STD clean bill of health. By the age of five, nearly every child in the world has been infected with rotavirus at least once. Of course not! These sicknesses all have the same thing in common, the transmission is through fecal—oral route. For instance, can you catch the flu from swallowing your saliva that already has the flu germ on your tongue. Now, you can conclude that my blog could stop here simply by suggesting that ass to mouth or licking your partners anus is safe because your saliva will kill the harmful bacteria. So that means if there were a similar study of the norovirus, which can also lead to intestinal misery, different genes might be involved. Venice and I have been tested for everything: hep, hiv, genital herpes, and more, and both have and have always had a STD clean bill of health. The fecal—oral route, or alternatively, the oral—fecal route or orofecal route is a route of transmission of diseases, in which they are passed when pathogens in fecal particles from one host are introduced into the oral cavity of another potential host. Various enzymes.

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