Anne hathaway sexy pics

Anne hathaway sexy pics

My Space. Share icon An curved arrow pointing right. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. More news. Hathaway rocked head-to-toe glittering sequins for the Critics' Choice Awards in a dress designed by Atelier Versace. Hathaway's Oscars dress featured an oversized velvet bow in front. Photographed by Cass Bird for the publication's November issue, the actress looked absolutely radiant on the heels of her 41st birthday, which was on November Hathaway attends the U. There's much to say about Hathaway's Tony Awards look. Her purse conveyed a subtle message of support to the transgender community — it has the baby blue, pink, and white flag across the top. You can learn more about Hathaway's hot-pink Valentino look here. Copy Link.

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