Arkansas pornhub ban

Arkansas pornhub ban

This bill, boosted by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, requires all companies offering sexual content in Texas to verify that their users are at least 18 years old via government ID cards or third-party systems 3. Texas Gov. NBC News Logo. What are critics saying? Computer and smartphone companies have more political clout than porn companies; it's much easier for politicians to make special demands of the latter than the former. Ceinwen Thomas - Clear search input Search. The ban is likely to remain in place until the law is changed. Enroll Now. Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, X and Google are among the social media platforms now affiliated with NetChoice — a powerful tech consortium that is not happy with the recent surge of state specific legislation aimed at restricting youth access to social media. Unsurprisingly, politicians don't seem interested. Understandably, Pornhub is opposed to this and has blocked access to the site in Texas in protest 1.

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