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Why animal sacrifice dey hapun for religion. Tweet of her breakfast. Maybe this is something rich people do. She was accused of receiving money "under false pretences". Di two women bin announce one upcoming plant based cleaning product line wey don receive plenti backlash as some dey call Teigen say she be "sellout". It turns out that her taste is fairly wide-ranging. As well as flirting with her husband in her swimming costume, she likes to remind him when it's their wedding anniversary. No matter wetin you see, wetin dat pesin portray, or your intention. Tweet of her surrounded by Louis Vuitton luggage , external She's a harassed mum too. She's said in the past that she would be "very traditional" if she makes it to the White House. Melania Trump tweets this photo of herself and her husband , external. We also learn that she likes fruit.

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