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In , she joined Exodus Cry, occasionally attending prayer meetings at an evangelical ministry in Kansas City, Missouri, called the International House of Prayer IHOPKC , which is known for music, fasting, and a prayer room that operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. And it's a very vulnerable moment. Someone sent a video to her father, and a stalker showed up at her house, texting her photos from outside while she was babysitting her younger brother. Many were pirated copies of professional films, and the revenue that once flowed to the California movie studios was redirected to the operators of the tube sites. She says she forgot about it until she was in college and received a text from a close friend: "I didn't know you did porn. Victims who spoke with CBS News also hope the company will someday be held criminally responsible. She studied political science at the University of California, Riverside, and got a graduate degree in public diplomacy at the University of Southern California. Subscribe today. A draft of the lawsuit says MindGeek "embraced under-age, non-consensual, and pirated content in its business" and claims the company "profited from content produced through human trafficking. On December 14th, MindGeek announced that it would require users to verify their identities through a third-party Web site before they uploaded videos, and that it would disable millions of videos from unregistered users. The resulting copyright battles in the porn industry mirrored those in traditional entertainment. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting.

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