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Relevance Date. I really don't know what I should do. After I had whipped Lisa's pussy and arse. She was probably about and she was nicely proportioned, probably around and 5'6" or 5'7". But it was only the beginning. We fucked and after we did the deed we sat in bed chatting. J: Oh my god! Now having been a pedo most of my life and a male for all of it, I'm no stranger to being unfairly judged. Now you will swallow, I want you gagging Julie as the thick gooey cum slides down your throat into your belly. Feel free to join the community and upload your goodies. When she arrived at my door i was shocked at her appearance, She was breathtaking, her face was perfect, big boobs clearly enhanced and a muscular body that most men would be happy with. After the encounter, I saw her less.

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