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Books are over 1, pages each , I decided to give it a try. It ruins the thread every time. I know there are obviously women out there who molest children, but I'd be willing to bet my life that it's at least men to 1 woman predator, if not higher. Right from the day that his father bought their first car and he saved up to buy a similar matchbox car more similar when they painted it the same color , he has loved t he freedom that cars represented. It could get to the point where they're married and have kids, and the woman would still eventually get bored and decide that her fornices need to be scratched and find some big cock off Tinder to ride. Married men are happier than unmarried men. But right after the solo at just under 2 and a half minutes , the song just ends. How is this handled in polish media? We grew up together and I'm pretty close to him so I know he cheats on her constantly, even with cheap prostitutes. I'm strongly of the opinion that men who would not get into a relationship with a 'promiscuous woman' should abstain from live action pornography or sex services. I quickly realised that he's pretty much against all women and therefore clicked the "not interested"-button and refreshed the page. We don't randomly come to your boards and tell you that men are gross and we wish they would die, not without an instigation anyway so why can't we expect better behavior from you?

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