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I've tried hard to be fair, and not only because whenever the subject of lawsuits came up and this isn't on the tapes , you silently pointed at me and nodded furiously. So our little experiment comes to an end. That's something that is mine, and I don't want the whole world to know. The irony! But obviously, I'm too guarded to ever allow anyone in from the outside to observe it. On the other hand, when I get three months, in different cities and spending large slices of time with someone, everything runs deeper. It would have read the same, word for word, if it were a stand-alone article. They can whip up their own version without even leaving the shop. But besides knocking on wood, Cameron lacks any such obsession. Further, she does a spot-on impression of John Malkovich as the Russian gambler in Rounders: "Chyeck. Let's juice it up here. Many times, in those cases, the reporter stays friends with those subjects after the piece comes out.

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