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Props to you for taking a level-headed approach to all of this, you're one of the very few people who didn't like the comic to do this most others I've read are all "it's all awful, borba is terrible" etc etc. This comic has ruined such a great movie. Soooo, first in going to say I am here for the memes and this is utterly retarded. The things people will create to try and push their agendas, to then not even present a decent portrayal of the subject matter. She hit him hard enough to knock him down and leave scratch marks. Her Job? Last ». Your analogy doesn't make sense, comparing a growing fetus to a malignant growth. You or I may not be in that group, but it doesn't mean we should all ruin each-other's enjoyment by fighting about it. Oh my god, this is actually trending on Twitter now. This is where sensationalist drivel like this belongs, in a fantasy cartoon land where nothing makes sense. It may have a slight bias, but it isn't that large.

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