Comic female villains

Comic female villains

Outside of comic journalism, I am the artist of many weird pictures, and the guitarist of many heavy riffs. Enchantress Marvel. Dark Phoenix has made it to the big screen twice, including an eponymous film that put the capstone on Fox's X-Men films. With her innocent appearance and sinister possession, Sister Mary Eunice captivates viewers as the embodiment of evil in American Horror Story: Asylum. She was pushed into existence along with several other symbiotes whom she killed. Venom and Carnage are far from the only powerful symbiotes in the world of Marvel, as fans of the MCU will likely discover very soon. Each villain's rank on this list, determined through our voting system, represents the diverse perspectives and passion of fans for cinema and television. Cruella's relentless pursuit of Dalmatian puppies for their fur sets her apart as one of Disney's most memorable villains. With her eyepatch and venomous personality, Elle Driver strikes fear into the hearts of viewers as one of Bill's deadly assassins in Kill Bill. There aren't many characters who can say they're stronger-willed than Batman, but it isn't Catwoman who compromises her principles in the name of love or, more accurately, lust. One of the breakout characters of Gail Simone's Secret Six , Scandal Savage has everything you want in a great supervillain. Umar

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