Contos eróticos heterosexual

Contos eróticos heterosexual

Yet you attack me for writing fictional love scenes. It isn't challenged when Amazon says, "Sure you can be published, but we won't sell it. How can you possibly say porn and erotica are the same thing? After that they move on to the unpopular ideas. Not sure what that means 2. I understand that people write about ostensibly fictional characters but I do not feel comfortable supporting books that pretty up pedophilia and compare it to those of us who write about adult relationships. This way of thinking is more or less conscious and affects us heavily. The answer: You've only ever written about men and women who are both of age and both doing what they want to do. The gist was: None of your books is in trouble, but none of them crosses the line. It's a privilege. They didn't even ask me to change any of the content. I'm at the stage now where it feels like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.

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