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To look attractive to men? By the time I was 12 I waa sick of not having anything so I lied abour my age to get my first job to make some money. Porn and sexual abuse has become so normalized that violating a woman's trust this way is nbd. At a certain point you start to get a clear vibe from certain mischievous vacationers always trying to run away with a little bit more. He also asked if we would go back to starting at 7 am and if we wanted to make a drink after we started that would be fine. But we're only discussing our personal experiences, that are only anecdotal evidences and don't mean much in the bigger picture. They like saying they want this shit more than actually wanting it. He just did that late into the night and that was his life outside of work. A woman sat down next to me and spoke to me in French. He calmly and quietly approached the gentleman. My reply to my mother and my family members was always this. If they were raised in homes with men like they may not believe they deserve better.

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