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Cubanas xxx

And yet, the same coro occurs in the introduction in [ audio example ]. Louisville Restaurant Scene 5 replies. He also pioneered many other hallmarks of timba bass playing, such as laying out and then sliding his hand down the lowest string during breakdown sections. The clave, the traditional "big drum on the 3-side" conga pattern, the campana Does anyone remember the restaurant in Lyndon, KY that had car sticking out of the 2nd floor 1 reply. Adp Cafe. Please note that defamatory statements might be against the law. But the other type of clave change always depends on where the listener's ear thinks the phrase is starting. Apr 28, Mastering and mixing services specializing in big band tropical and urban music. By , songo bassists such as Juan Formell and Ritmo Oriental's Humberto Perera had already begun to experiment with "clavifying" the bassline: 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x x 0 x 0 x 00 x clave-aligned bass tumbao xx 0 x 0 xxx 0 xx 0 xx 0 x clave Arango greatly refined and extended this approach to create the set of rhythms which were the basis for the generations of timba bassists who followed him. Take-out: Yes No.

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