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Mosaics by Louis Comfort Tiffany Other British graphic artists who had an important place in the style included Walter Crane and Charles Ashbee. Need help? Art Nouveau architects and sculptors found inspiration in animal motifs butterflies, [] peacocks, [] swans, [] owls, [] bats, [] dragons, [] bears []. Festival poster by Ludwig Hohlwein High-relief of owls in Katajanokka Helsinki by Georg Wasastjerna The success of this poster led to a contract to produce posters for six more plays by Bernhardt. In Belgium, the leading firm was the glass factory of Val Saint Lambert , which created vases in organic and floral forms, many of them designed by Philippe Wolfers. Aside from exhibitions, this revival might be connected with the " flower power " generation that set the tone at the time recognized its own life ideals in the floral ornament and the erotically "emancipated" art themes of the years around Ernest Ludwig also commissioned to rebuild the spa complex in Bad Nauheim at the beginning of century. I also recommend getting the Discover Seoul Pass so you can visit the major tourist attractions around Seoul for free or at a discounted price. Belt buckle by Archibald Knox for Liberty department store

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