Deep throat

Deep throat

Huffington Post. Best to everyone, Bob. Read Edit View history. Felt, who had long had a dim view of the Nixon administration, began passing pieces of information to Woodward, although he insisted that Woodward keep the FBI and Justice Department out of anything he wrote based on the information. French images. The Watergate complex in Dean , [12] who finally reported it to President Richard Nixon. I interpreted this to mean: was he changing the long-standing agreement the men had kept for three decades? ISBN Felt reluctantly agreed, then changed his mind. One reason that many experts believed that Deep Throat was Fielding and not Felt was due to Woodward's apparent denial in an interview that Deep Throat worked in the intelligence community:. The reporters wrote that Deep Throat was "perhaps the only person in government in a position to possibly understand the whole scheme and not be a potential conspirator himself.

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