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Some of them may be developing unrealistic expectations, or they may not realize that Mercer is presenting just one style of play and that there are a lot of other ways to approach a campaign my sense is this is what Mercer was trying to convey with his post on the topic. I like Justine more than Sasha - gaming is not for everyone, but Sasha just had a sullen way about her and seemed really bored and disinterested. You have a whole narrative about why it represents something. What qualifies a group as a "niche group"? And it's incumbent on the minority who wants change, or the outsiders coming in, to convince the existing fan base that the change is worthwhile. Those are his words. Read this. Linda's daughter walks up to this man and says "Fuck the cops! Related But Not Necessarily Gamey. Including the leftiest trans people ever to get arrested on LAPD property then come roll here as soon as they get out. For that reason and many others, I recommend her books. Erotic Art of Slaughterhouses.

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