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The Office just so happened to turn 15 years old right when the coronavirus hit, so there was an anniversary to celebrate. Stephenson, Dallas " Stage Fright ," by Jennifer Elaine Davis, March 5 It's a Man's World The trouble with the standard journalistic practice of using male pronouns to address both genders is that I can read something addressed to the news-reading Everyman and get sideways punched by the sudden discovery that you really do mean every MAN. Legislation is coming that will prevent a court ruling similar to one that saw the temporary manager appointed by the Financial Services Commission F Times seem tough right now for many, but a little better today. Also please stick to the topic under discussion. However, our advertising department can be more than accommodating if emailed: advertising jamaicaobserver. I do think it may be about class, but I also think it may be about access. We ask that comments are civil and free of libellous or hateful material. Business Politics Entertainment Page2. There was a flurry of a few of them that happened at the same time. Celebrity or not, that would be hard. What is your email?

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