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I never have the right kitchen tool to spread frosting whipping cream, lemon curd or preserves on a cake. If you appreciate the human body as a piece of art, then EliseLaurenne's nude photographs are definitely worth exploring. Thanks for sharing it and making me a hero for a day! Can I just say that after eating this cake, I sat in a stunned silence. And the peanut butter frosting? What drew me to it was that the cakes are so interesting—no plain chocolate with vanilla frosting here but petit-fours and blue cornmeal with caramel cream and gingerbread beer with bittersweet chocolate and bananas with praline and white chocolate. I made this cake for my husband as well and brought the rest into work. The cake is super moist and fluffy and delicious though. This was my first attempt at making a layer cake.. I actually dressed it up a bit and people were asking where we bought it because they wanted to go get one. Nutella and peanut butter are wildly different substances. Alternately, you could do everything but the ganache, leaving that for the last minute so it looks as fresh and shiny as possible.

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ELISE LAURENNE PORNHUB / coachmartygross.info