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Clinging to identity is the root of societal clutter. Why does congress ban books but not guns? Oscar-winning writer-director John Ridley brings us the story of Shirley Chisholm, the Brooklyn-born firebrand who became the first Black woman elected to Congress and ran for President in Discussed in This Episode How can minimalism apply to most everyday topics? How does giving away items create peace? Jesse Walker 6. The MAGA movement has suddenly discovered the evils of politicized prosecutions, inequities in the justice system, and fear of police abuse. What kinds of gifts do The Minimalists give for birthdays and holidays? Watch all 4 hours of episode on The Minimalists Private Podcast. Subtraction is the cure to the disease of excess. What kind of ad does Joshua think is maybe not so bad after all? How crucial is compatibility in relationships?

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EMMA BAILEY PORNHUB / coachmartygross.info