Female low blow wrestling

Female low blow wrestling

Not because of the PC schtick, but because main roster divas work a very set style that has been developed over a long time, same reason low blows aren't that common among the males either. Sign in to edit. Unless you believe King of the Hill or other cartoons when you believe the no balls no hurt logic, I believe everybody knows that shit would hurt. I mean it isn't a nut shot, but probably pretty close if they took one full force lol. Often wrestlers will perform the strike while the referee is in some way distracted in what is known as a "cheap shot". Members Registered members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. As long as I have been watching wrestling, and before that even there's never been a problem with women selling a low blow. Description [ ] A direct shot to the groin of an opponent; otherwise known as a groin attack. Install the app. Pro Wrestling Explore. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Log in.

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FEMALE LOW BLOW WRESTLING / coachmartygross.info