Films with real sex scenes

Films with real sex scenes

Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn. An American film directed by Eric Jeffrey Haims available in both softcore and hardcore versions. Anatomie de l'enfer English title: Anatomy of Hell. IFC Films. Actor Robert Pattinson had revealed in an interview with a magazine that his authentic orgasm face is captured in the film as he had really masturbated for the scene. This film by Ryu Murakami about prostitution in Japan contains sexually explicit and graphic scenes, including explicit use of a vibrator and strap-on , as well as a urination scene. This movie, as well as the rest of the installments, are plenty steamy. Please check for citation inaccuracies. Contains unsimulated fellatio. The Porno Killers Le porno killers [ it ]. A film directed by Eduardo Cemano released originally as a softcore and later re-released with additional hardcore scenes involving Harry Reems. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, this is the first ever film to 'depict unsimulated sexual intercourse that managed to avoid getting those scenes censored'.

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