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After she's sentenced to prison for thirty years, Donny gets custody of their love child, Han Solo, and becomes an overnight sensation, selling his life story for a TV movie. If there's any reason the movie isn't completely terrible, it could be that Sandler's consistent collaborator Dennis Dugan isn't directing, and that the screenplay was written by one soul, not a committee, and that soul not being Sandler himself. When it comes to famous pornstars not many are able to impress me quite the way that Riley Reid does. He's not much of a comedian, but gets to poke fun at himself and urinate on himself, so that's good. However, if Sandler wants to make something more of himself as an actor, he's better off working with Paul Thomas Anderson, James L. These Ladies Fuck! Since then, Sandler has regressed, pumping out dopey, hacky junk under his Happy Madison Productions banner, even if he's capable of better quality methinks he just doesn't care since he gets to work with his friends and get paid big bucks for it. As Todd, he has only to react as the straight man, so nebbish and anxiety-ridden that he has to carry around a pair of "security underwear. Like so many of you, I have seen riley on Pornhub doing her thing on camera as she satisfies everyone that has the pleasure of seeing her in action. Hiding the true identity of his screw-up father, Todd who's not a chip off the old block wings an excuse that Donny is really his best friend, and hilarity ensues. In the best bit of casting, Susan Sarandon Martino's mother gets to make a donut with her finger on a glass partition as Sandler tries poking his finger through it. Posted by Jeremy Kibler June 14,

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