Forced feminized stories

Forced feminized stories

He's handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. When I closed my eyes at night, I prayed to become one. By: Shantel Tessier. Every movement sent the huge cape of pink hair moving with Blake's prissy body. Into the hands of other scientists. All of these things served to crush Felix's ego, but nothing could compare to the horror atop his head. Dipper seeks out the Manotaurs to prove he is a man. Under his made-up eyes sat another heart tattoo, which made Felix wonder if there were more tattoos in places where he couldn't see. He must have him. Stephanie had pushed the hair synthesizer provided by Brighter Days Cosmetics to its limit, attaching around 8 feet of hair to Blake's head. Inko continues to dote on her son, unaware of the towering blonde hovering over to see more pictures of her beloved son. Blake Dupree, the sexist cheating candidate, joining forces with their beloved president?

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