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Detroit political consultant Jamaine Dickens recently told the Free Press there are those men "in the barbershop society," who seem to be attracted to Trump's "brand of politics. But instead of even remotely engaging with any of those facts, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire tried something different. Facebook Logo. Associated Press AP mississippifreepress. Report an issue with this product. One of the lead plaintiffs, Amanda Zurawski, testified that she was initially excited to become pregnant. At one point, Democrats interjected, pointing out that Greene had gone over her allotted time and warning that her actions were not appropriate. The Supreme Court is set to decide in the coming weeks whether Trump enjoys presidential immunity, as he claims, from those charges. The president was at their Wilmington home until he left later in the day for a campaign reception in Greenwich, Connecticut. The case against Hunter Biden stems from a period when, by his own public admission, he was addicted to crack. Learn more. Check out our voter guide , subscribe to our elections newsletter and always feel free to share your thoughts in a letter to the editor.

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