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Vigorously I rubbed my slick cunt. I finished toweling off and walked to the bed and sat down. My hand was between my legs, and I would alternate stroking my clit and fucking my gooey snatch with my fuck finger and feeling my body tremble. The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. B , Oct 18, Black , Doggy , Dogs , Fucking , Woman. Ass , Banging , Doggy , Dogs , Puppy. I got down on my hands and knees, lowered my head so my ass was available to Dog. Dogs , Fucking , Love , Pussy , Sluts. My nipples were sorta erect and I just patted them with the soft towel. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his rapid-fire fucking of my cunt. She laughed again and said I must have good ass when he mounted me again and fucked me as I lay on floor.

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