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But you have a right to sexual satisfaction too, so something has to give. It's only going to result in diminishing returns for the both of you, plus who has that kind of time? Unless your man is 13 years old, multiple times a day is too much. Dear Dave,. It is perfectly natural. That's no good for anyone. She has a squirting orgasm then expertly takes his load into her mouth. Tell him that you're aware that he has a strong sex drive, maybe stronger than yours. I do not subscribe to the idea that masturbation is anti-social behavior in and of itself, but too much of anything—jerking off or booze or Twitter—suggests some deep-seated pain. It is enough to send someone to PornHub with some urgent needs and very specific search terms. You're not trying to turn him into a choirboy, you're just trying to be an active part of your own sex life. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

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