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For this account, let's call him JB. One bonus of this site is that all stories are of willing and consenting characters, and every story includes a content warning. How hot encounter planned with GF when her parents were away turned into a streamy threesome when she forgot to latch the door! And an even bigger one when he gets back home. But harem? We might "get off" quickly and feel a bit of tension relief, but without the full mind-body arousal experience, we don't reap the benefits that come with sex and having a full-body, blissed-out orgasm. We are building a large collection of sex-related texts, easy to navigate, categorized, without advertising. Reading sex stories online is a great way to turn your mind and body on at the same time. It felt long overdue She thinks she's an ancient fossil. Read 'Turning Thirty' — an erotic fiction. Sizzling, I have such a hard-on as I read this.

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