Frog porn video

Frog porn video

Catherine Fisher. No woodfrogs calling yet at our place in the northern Adirondacks, but we expect to hear them soon. Though I had read about this phenomenon, until that time I had never found any evidence of it. Isaac Newton described inertia: matter stays at rest or continues going in the direction it was traveling unless another force is applied. I used to work in a nursing home and one year I came upon a short video of a peeper in the swampy area of Presque Isle State Park in Erie, PA and got permission to carry my smartphone that day and shared it with many of the residents. When so many males are after the one female, how does one male fight them off, while still hanging on? Are you suffering from Frog Psychology? Reminds me of my childhood. We had a gang-up like you pictured last year where they drowned the female — so distressing! The temperature reached nearly 60F during the day and a thunderstorm passed through in the evening. How marvelous of you to share! Frog Psychology.

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