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You just submit a picture of your face with a piece of paper with your name on it," said Creamer. When some viewers went into a deeper analysis. When people had some serious concerns. Or really appreciated the overall production value. Brandon Duncan Blazzered. Over the past week and month, people online have noticed a channel on Pornhub that is unlike the others. His Pornhub channel has been discovered and has gone viral across social media. When people had questions they needed answered. He hoped users of the massively popular porn-sharing website could stumble upon his videos as a break and a departure from the usual content on the site. He said he wasn't setting out to "make a statement" with his videos per se, but he's been receiving a lot of random messages from Pornhub users telling him they find his videos to be "super supportive. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. And others were really moved by the narrative arc.

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