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This nonbinary student activist has some powerful words as equalpride's valedictorian 4h. Giselle Byrd is taking center stage — and helping others do the same. Latest Stories. Election season got you down? When I came out to the world, at the ripe age of 22, I vowed I would never, ever slut-shame myself again. It's a win-win. For some reason, "The butthole" isn't a sufficient answer. If you've seriously introspected and can say confidently, without any undue influence from society, that you would still derive the most fulfillment being monogamous in a world that didn't exalt it, then my gripe isn't with you. For me, once you get sex out of the way, it's then that you can bond. But what I will say is that it gets rid of the "what ifs. I didn't hold anything back. Lia Thomas isn't allowed to compete in Olympic events or elite women's races 'for the time being' June 13 PM.

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