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In the past, when I had thought of a flag, I saw it as just another icon to lampoon. The American Bicentennial celebration put the focus on the American flag. While the neighbourhood is home to the community centre, parks, bars, restaurants, and stores catering to the LGBT community particularly along Church Street , it is also a historic community with Victorian houses and apartments dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century. Pin It on Pinterest. George was redistributed into St. The community fair includes tables from a wide variety of groups involved in or associated with queer culture and services. Church and Wellesley. We all felt that we needed something that was positive, that celebrated our love. But what about the Big Liar who employed him? Allan Gardens , just east of Church Street on Carlton, was a well-known cruising area for gay men. A Rainbow Flag was a conscious choice, natural and necessary. Skip to content.

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