Girls do porn vids

Girls do porn vids

Six of his victims gave their impact statements during his sentencing hearing. Archived from the original on July 9, Archived from the original on May 9, In addition to not being told they'd be online, the group informed the women that they would remain anonymous in the videos, according to court records. San Diego Reader. GirlsDoPorn was an American pornographic website active from until The website's founder, Michael James Pratt, was arrested in Spain last year after more than three years on the lam and awaits extradition to San Diego. Pratt is accused of participating in a conspiracy to recruit young women and girls to engage in commercial sex acts by use of force, fraud and coercion. Retrieved March 23, The women were told the videos would go to private DVD collections overseas, but instead they were widely disseminated on the GirlsDoPorn network of sites, as well as free pornography sites. Reddit removed the subreddit shortly afterwards. The names of hundreds of women who filmed videos for GirlsDoPorn were published on Porn Wikileaks , a website specifically set up to dox porn actors.

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