Granny extreme

Granny extreme

That feeling of achievement also comes with a burst of confidence. This will encourage Granny to investigate by going down the stairs in the direction of the noise. How this works is that it is closer on the right way than the left. Then, Granny will go through Bedroom 1's door into there. Avoiding Creaking Floors With the expanded area of creaking floors, getting through the bedroom 1 area will seem impossible. When you start the game you should run to the attic super fast then go in the secret passage that leads to the bathroom after knocking over the dummy. All free online games that are available to download suit any type of gamer. Since you cannot outrun Granny, your main focus is to distract and deceive her away from your character. This item is incompatible with Granny. NOTE: the strat with the vase works only on day one for some reason. Even better is if you play this game on your PC. This will allow you to depart the basement without her knowledge.

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