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Guatemala pornhub

Main article: Pornography in the Netherlands. Private Black videos. North Macedonia. This article may need to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. Partially legal, under some broad restrictions. This section does not cite any sources. In Brazil, pornographic film actors must be 18 or older. Saudi Arabia. Crimes against morality With an imprisonment not exceeding four years or a fine of the fifth category is punished whoever distributes, offers, openly exhibits, manufactures, imports, implements, acquires, possesses or obtains access to an image — or a data carrier containing an image — of a sexual act, involving or seemingly involving someone who has evidently not reached the age of eighteen yet. Pasal 4: Setiap orang dilarang memproduksi, membuat, memperbanyak, menggandakan, menyebarluaskan, menyiarkan, mengimpor, mengekspor, menawarkan, memperjualbelikan, menyewakan, atau menyediakan pornografi Soft porn is less restricted, and may even be broadcast on TV at night. Data unavailable.

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