Guzerat cattle for sale

Guzerat cattle for sale

I estate and made under the pei direction of A. Now running 5 purebred martons on purebred sire. Clark in charge. Cecil Whaley, manager. Established with purchase of Hudgins cows. At Moreno Ranches, we track the genetics of our Brahman cattle very closely, so you can rest assured that when you purchase semen or embryos for Red Brahman cattle from us, the probability of you actually getting Red Brahman cattle is very high. For commercial meat production, medium sized does are normally preferred, as they produce the same number of kids, but require less feed to do so. Male: kg Female: kg. They also. See Heart-Bar Ranch. Effects of other mineral deficiencies are well known, and our Salt Sick Mineral with Cobalt provides these essential elements as well as the cobalt. George E.

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