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Pair jailed in US for conspiracy to sell Iranian oil to China - scmp. Want to know what everyone in the music business is talking about? To categorize these words as solely Gen Z or Gen Alpha slang would be to misrepresent their history, and would also over-simplify the way in which language evolves and grows. Sparked by the Gaza war, the conflict across the Lebanese-Israeli border has shifted up several gears in the last month, adding to concern the heavily armed adversaries could escalate towards a war. Hunter has a point: if Hallie wished to protect him, she should not have taken a gun registered in his name and thrown it into a public trash can. And although many trees are colonised by mycorrhizae, there is debate about whether those mycorrhizae actually form a durable network through which nutrients and signals could pass. US considers new actions against China-based firms supplying Russia defence sector - scmp. Such titles are just one or two words away from the title of the most notorious botany book ever written: The Secret Life of Plants , a bestseller by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. But they appear there only in part. Today's ePaper. South Korea investigates if former first lady used taxpayer money for India trip - scmp. They want to tout their findings but understandably fear overdoing it.

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