Hottest 80s actresses

Hottest 80s actresses

Her brother Andrew Shue had almost eclipsed her own fame by landing a starring role in the hit TV series Melrose Place In , she left BU and moved to New York to start her career. More Kathy Ireland. Photo: Frazer Harrison Getty Images. She's made a bevy of appearances on celebrity reality shows and continues to record. Olivia Newton-John. After he urged her to do it, she reconsidered. Vanna White. After she got famous, she didn't want to be typecast, so she played a victim in Sliver , and, in Intersection , she was the aloof, estranged wife of Richard Gere. Brittenham since 10 October Dian Parkinson. She followed the path up with Unfaithful , a role that earned her a Best actress Oscar nomination.

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