How does.pornhub pay

How does.pornhub pay

Hacker News. Join The Model Program. Got girls suggesting nude content in their twitter feed and not posting bag nude pics. And where there are ads, you get paid based on the number of views and ad rate. The site uses a live exchange rate where they determine how much they pay right at the point of execution. You must fill out a co-performer agreement and keep it on you if there are other in your videos. You can drive traffic to Pornhub from your own website and make money through affiliate links. With so much competition in the porn industry, everything comes down to how many views you get on your Pornhub profile. A lot seem to have OF and such up high but have enough through traffic that they probably don't retain a lot any may have people that cycle in and out over a period. There are many options for tube site scripts that are available in the market. It has given every average and above looking girl the feeling of security that if all else fails they'll just make an OF. Sign Up for Free.

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