How much does pornhub pay for one video

How much does pornhub pay for one video

Other than the above-listed ways, there are a few other ways too to make money on Pornhub. Tentpole porn films can take four to eight days. No votes so far! Link copied. If the users buys any products from your affiliate link, then you earn a commission percentage in that too. In this article:. The more views your video gets, the more your earnings. This calculation is based on the assumption that the RPM and number of views are accurate and consistent. Men might be a critical part of porn films, but this is one industry where the balance of pay certainly leans toward women. The delay timer starts once your earnings are labeled as pending. Despite there being more than one way to earn on Pornhub, the Model Program is likely the best option for solo, up-and-coming models. Therefore, the best we can do is throw some numbers your way so that you can get an idea.

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