How to stop watching pornhub

How to stop watching pornhub

Try the Relay program for free here ; if you need help as you get set up, contact us now at hello joinrelay. The internet makes access to pornography much easier than in the past. This approach may vary for each individual, and finding a balance that aligns with personal goals is beneficial. Log in to Reply. Do Some Research Grab that laptop, but this time for a positive purpose! Find others who understand what you are going through with a local step program. Some coping mechanisms you could try include building your social skills, so you can ask someone on a date, or exercising regularly by playing a sport or trying yoga. Acknowledging the negative consequences of porn addiction and recognizing the desire for personal growth and a more fulfilling life, one can find the intrinsic motivation necessary to embark on the journey of change. According to mental health professionals, no one specific thing causes porn addiction. Coming to terms with the reason you are giving it up helps you stay accountable whenever you are tempted to watch it. On that journey, you might find yourself slipping back into old habits. A website called Fight the New Drug offers resources to help as well.

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