Hunter x hunter pornhub

Hunter x hunter pornhub

The dark haired hunter hums happily, biting his thigh, hard. He blinks, letting himself get pushed back even as he's not really processing entirely. Killua might be drunk off his sex-addled brain, but he kind of maybe feels like he might know what Gon wants right now. Or is still doing. Why is the universe doing this to him. Snatch is screwed reality 5 min. In response he grabs Killua's face with his hands to tilt his head up, pressing a kiss to his lips. Oh, God. He swallows and looks away. He looks over at Gon. Killua, despite his supposed better judgment that he always prides himself on, is already crawling over to Gon before he can reign himself in, because if his best friend wants to know what a blowjob feels like for the first time then fuck, is he going to be the one to show him. That sends a little jolt of satisfaction through Killua.

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