Idle heroes natalie

Idle heroes natalie

To add to that she also befriended a lot of the monster foes on the way and wears two things on her head, they could be hiding cat ears. Just deploying all the S-tiers into one team might not be such a great idea, since you might miss some important team synergies. When an enemy with [Undying Shadow] is killed, enemy with the highest Attack will be inflicted with [Undying Shadow]. Though occasionally naive, she is more thoughtful compared to Lance and Matt, often trying to prevent them from unwise actions that could result in their death, and is often annoyed by their stubbornness and idiocy. The Dim Sum Restaurant event is the highlight of this update. The Wishing Fountain event is one of the more premiere events in this update. The remaining duration and certain percentage of attribute buff effects will be reserved. Here are all the basic rewards available from the Dim Sum Restaurant event as you reach the different milestones:. She is often at odds with the guys of the group over moral grounds, but not being the de-facto group leader Matt , she has little effect. The Mysterious Chest event is a new type of event where players can purchase different chests using their collected Gems in order to get the designated rewards out of them. Idle Heroes is already in the middle of their 7th anniversary! Doppleganger Natalia is a new Transcendence elemental 5-Star hero that is classified as an Assassin in-game.

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