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Indeed, under Senate Enrolled Act 17 adult Hoosiers who provide their personal information to an age-verification service have no remedy if their name, birth date or browsing history is sold, released publicly, or used for blackmail — other than filing a consumer protection complaint with the attorney general's office. Mike Bohacek is proposing to protect children from viewing adult content online by requiring adult website operators to institute a…. Click here to subscribe. Indiana attorney general may enforce age-verification mandate for adult-oriented websites. Share this. There were new Indiana laws approved this year by the Republican-controlled General Assembly and enacted by Republican Gov. Showcase Nebraska. News Alerts Subscribe. Latest News Subscribe. The new law, passed in April, creates liability for knowingly or intentionally publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet. Lawsuit challenges Indiana's age-verification mandate for adult-oriented websites. Don't have an account?

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