Is pornhub banned in germany

Is pornhub banned in germany

As the Australian constitution prohibits states from regulating interstate commerce, it is permitted to purchase pornography in either territory and then bring it interstate. Torrenting movies with a seedbox A seedbox is a torrent client that runs on a remote server. Does my insurance protect me? Advertising and dissemination of pornography and prostitution W Preparation, dissemination, sale, display to the public, crossing of the state frontier of the press, literature, films, video tapes and other items advertising pornography shall be punishable by a fine equal to 31 to 50 amounts of minimum salary or by incarceration for a term of 1 to 3 months. South Sudan. Ivory Coast. Red Pepper. Marie Woolf Follow You must be logged in to follow. Perhaps now that Germany is leading this charge to better protect their children our Prime Minister will follow. Fair point there is a level at which the restrictions through the law to the company become so onerous that it effectively becomes a ban. Moreover, it is entirely ineffective as experience has demonstrated that individuals will simply access non-compliant sites or find other methods of evading these laws. Whoever sells, shows or publicly displays or otherwise makes available texts, pictures, audio-visual or other items of pornographic content to a minor or shows to a child a pornographic performance, shall be punished with a fine or imprisonment up to six months.

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