Is pornhub banned in pakistan

Is pornhub banned in pakistan

Sign up for our newsletter Name. The Huffington Post. Something weird has happened to the camera in my PC Jun 8, Multilingual , web-based , free-content encyclopedia. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. But in Pakistan, where honor killings are prevalent, the act was potentially life-threatening. Many countries lack any formal laws to address revenge porn at all. Jannat Ali Kalyar, a Lahore-based lawyer who now represents Maham, says the document bent the rules for her ex so he could get out of jail while the case was being investigated. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. Twitter blocks 'blasphemous' content in Pakistan after complaints May 23, The production of pornography can also exploit the performers—most of whom are women and some of whom are still children—who participate in it, in some cases against their will. VPNs Banned.

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